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IBKENGINEERSPVTLTD1FAE 5a8d4d9f7ebc8e0540d8d197 Products
  • 2020-06-15T15:53:22

CarrLock System - From CarrLane Quick tool changer device uses carrlock system in milling machines or jigs and fixtures. Allow accurately locating and clamping at the same time, with just the turn of a hex wrench Ideal for mounting quick-change tooling on a subplate This compact assembly of the Carr Lock System provides considerable hold down force, together with an incredible +/-.0005" repeatability IBK Engineers is Distributor in India.

CarrLock System - From CarrLane Quick tool changer device uses carrlock system in milling machines or jigs and fixtures. Allow accurately locating and clamping at the same time, with just the turn of a hex wrench Ideal for mounting quick-change tooling on a subplate This compact assembly of the Carr Lock System provides considerable hold down force, together with an incredible +/-.0005" repeatability IBK Engineers is Distributor in India.

  • 2020-06-15T15:53:22

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